连连情报局 | 亚马逊免除部分国家4 月 15 日产生的长期仓储费;Shopee平台针对菲律宾政策调整free instagram like

www.kqv2.com Thu 18 May 2023

今日连连跨境时讯看点 2020年03月27日


● eBay英国、德国、澳洲出台政策,限制口罩和消毒洗手液的销售

☞ 新政策:

● Shopee平台针对菲律宾政策调整

● 亚马逊免除部分 4 月 15 日产生的长期仓储费

☞ 他们都在看:

● 中东多地实施宵禁应对新冠肺炎疫情




EBay announced that "eBay UK, Germany and Australia have introduced policies to restrict the sales of masks and disinfectant hand sanitizers". Following eBay websites in the United States, Canada, France, Italy and Spain, eBay UK, Germany and Australia have recently introduced policies to restrict the sales of masks, disinfectant hand sanitizers and other epidemic prevention products, so as to severely crack down on the illegal acts of driving up prices. Publications that do not comply with eBay policies will be blocked or removed from the shelves, and relevant accounts may be restricted or even frozen.  free instagram like

Lily小贴士:Covid-肺炎核酸检测盒(Covid-19 testing kit) 在eBay全球市场也属于禁止销售的防疫项目。如果有卖家发布相关产品,请记得将相关产品下架,确保符合要求eBay各国的政策和疫情管理规定。




Lily小贴士:其中物流时效豁免方面要注意此项只针对卖家预计备货时长 (DTS)中ship_by_date (即 后一个工作日)在4月2日及之前的统一调整为4月2日, (DTS)中ship_by_date在4月2日之后的以及自然日没有物流时效豁免。各位卖家朋友请记得核对自己的订单生成日期,避免错过 晚到仓日期。


亚马逊免除部分 4 月 15 日产生的长期仓储费

亚马逊近日发布关于移除订单延迟和长期仓储费豁免的公告,其原文如下:为了确保有足够的资源来接收、补充高优先级商品(如家庭必需品和医疗物资)的库存并进行配送,我们暂时停止了部分运营中心的移除操作。卖家可以继续创建移除订单,但我们完成订单的时间将会有所延迟。自动移除也同样会有延迟。因此,我们决定免除美国、英国、德国、法国、意大利、西班牙、波兰和捷克共和国运营中心的库存将于 4 月 15 日产生的长期仓储费。卖家可以在此处查看移除订单的状态,并在此帮助页面找到更多信息。销售伙伴支持团队没有更进一步的指导信息。



中东地区新冠肺炎确诊病例已达数万例,埃及、沙特阿拉伯、叙利亚等多个 实施宵禁,以更加严格的措施应对疫情蔓延。当地时间24日,伊朗新增新冠肺炎确诊病例1762例,累计确诊24811例,其中1934人死亡;以色列新增确诊病例488例,累计确诊病例已达1930例;土耳其新增确诊病例343例,累计确诊1872例;利比亚通报首例新冠肺炎确诊病例。疫情在中东地区呈暴发态势。

Tens of thousands of confirmed cases of COVID-19 have been reported in the Middle East. Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria and other countries have imposed curfews to take stricter measures to deal with the spread of the epidemic. On the 24th local time, 1762 new cases of COVID-19 were confirmed in Iran, with a total of 24811 confirmed cases, of which 1934 died; There were 488 newly confirmed cases in Israel, and the total number of confirmed cases has reached 1930; There were 343 newly confirmed cases in Turkey, with a total of 1872 confirmed cases; Libya reported the first confirmed case of COVID-19. The epidemic situation is breaking out in the Middle East.free instagram like

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